Tag Archives: Kidney

Diet Suggested By Nephrologist in Delhi For Kidney Care

What you should eat to cleanse and take care of the health of your kidneys

Learn to identify the essential nutrients that help us purify the kidneys, those in charge of “filtering” everything we eat. Between the excesses of summer and the higher caloric intake that we consume in the fall, we have to take care of them.

If we take into account that the main function of the kidneys is the elimination of waste substances from the body through urine and that these are generated mainly from the food we eat every day, imagine how important is the diet to care for these organs.


And not only that, the main enemies of the kidneys (blood pressure and high blood sugar, which are the leading causes of kidney disease) also have a lot to do with everything we eat or, at least, can stay at bay with an adequate diet. So, Nephrologist in Delhi suggests watching the diet is a guarantee of health for your kidneys.

Keeping cholesterol at bay

Heart and kidney are very related. Therefore, to protect the kidney is essential to control cholesterol, one of the main cardiovascular risk factors. You get it by reducing in your diet the foods rich in saturated fats (red meats, whole milk …) and increasing the unsaturated ones (bluefish, nuts …). Use olive oil to cook, raise the good cholesterol.

Do not overdo the proteins

The kidney cleanses the blood of waste to expel it through the urine, and one of the main ones is urea, which is formed by the decomposition of proteins. Therefore, if you exceed your kidneys have to work more to eliminate urea and this can damage them. According to WHO, only 10-15% of daily calories should come from proteins. Red meats, whole milk products, and eggs are rich in them.

Control the salt

If you take a lot of salt the kidneys have a hard time removing excess sodium and that causes, in addition to thirst, fluid retention and hypertension, which can damage the blood vessels of the kidney. Kidney specialist in Delhi advises not to exceed 1.5 g of sodium per day. And do not forget that there is hidden salt in many foods (sausages, pre-cooked, cured cheeses, pickles …).

Do you control what you drink? This is how fluids affect the kidney

  • Water. To perform well its function is not necessary to drink more than 2 liters per day unless you have calculations because it helps to expel them.
  • Refreshments. The best are natural lemonades. Dark-colored sodas, fruit-flavored drinks or bottled or canned teas can have a lot of phosphorus.
  • Juices. If there is a kidney problem, the doctor for kidney in Delhi may recommend limiting the consumption of orange juice and replace it with apple, grape or pineapple.

Choose hydrates well

They are the main source of energy, but you must reduce the consumption of the simple ones (sugar, honey, jam, pastries, confectionery …) and increase the intake of complexes (whole grains and legumes). The reason? The first ones quickly turn into sugars and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. And the high blood sugar we have already said is one of the main causes of kidney disease.


If you have not hydrated well in the previous weeks, your kidneys may complain. So you can take care of them:

  • They need water to do their job well: Drink two liters of water of low mineralization daily. This helps them mobilize waste to be easily eliminated in the urine.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables every day: These are the foods that most favor the purification function of the kidneys since, in addition to containing water, they are rich in potassium that increases the production of urine.
  • Go out in moderation and protect the jousts: According to the best nephrologist in Delhi, we should not exceed 5 grams of salt a day. When taken in excess, the kidneys can not eliminate it well and increases the risk of fluid retention and high blood pressure.

As for proteins, in a diet of 2,000 kcal, you should not eat more than 65g per day of this nutrient. It is proven that its excess hinders the work of the kidneys.


  1. Fruits: The banana, the apple, the orange, the apricot, the peach, and the strawberries are the fruits with more potassium.
  2. Vegetables: Potato, onion, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and eggplant stand out as sources of this mineral.
  3. Legumes and nuts: Take 2 or 3 servings of legumes a week and 25 g of nuts per day.


It is also not convenient for you to drink a lot of phosphorus. It is necessary to have strong bones, but if the levels of phosphorus in the blood are high, the kidneys have a hard time eliminating the excess and this increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. That is why it is not convenient to take it in excess. It is found in protein-rich foods and is also used as an additive in processed foods and soft drinks.

It is important to remember that dairy products provide phosphorus, so you should not take more than 2 a day. Look for ideas to replace them, you can, for example, include 3 pieces of fresh fruit (at breakfast and snack) and 2 servings of vegetables a day to keep your kidneys healthy.