Tag Archives: chronic kidney disease

Hypertension And Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires special care before and after requiring a kidney transplant. This is due to possible health complications, especially hypertension, a disease that frequently occurs in patients with CKD. This is why today we want to tell you about the relationship of these diseases and how to identify when they manifest simultaneously.

What is hypertension?

First, it is important that you are clear about what hypertension consists of. It is a disease where the blood pressure (the force of the blood that is generated against the walls of the arteries due to the pumping function that the heart fulfils in order to carry blood throughout the body), is too high and is generated with greater force.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hypertension

A patient with kidney failure has a high possibility of developing hypertension because these diseases are related in two ways.

One of them is the fact that hypertension is one of the main causes of CKD. The foregoing since there is pressure against the walls of the arteries for several years, they will stop working properly. This process reduces the blood supply to the kidneys, to later also suffer damage.

Just as hypertension may appear first, it is possible that it is the other way around, this being a complication of CKD. The cause is that the function of the kidneys is to maintain adequate blood pressure, and if there are deficiencies in these organs, there will naturally be failures to maintain healthy blood pressure.

An important point to consider is that when CKD is the cause of hypertension, the progress of the insufficiency will be accelerated, which means that you should not neglect your treatment at any time, in addition to following the instructions of your nephrologist in Delhi.

Over time, high blood pressure damages the blood vessels in the kidney.

The nephrons of the kidneys are supplied by a dense network of blood vessels with high amounts of blood flow. Over time, uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause the arteries around the kidneys to narrow, weaken, or harden. These damaged arteries cannot supply enough blood to kidney tissue.

  • Damaged renal arteries do not filter blood well. The kidneys have small, finger-like nephrons that filter blood. Each nephron receives its blood supply through tiny hair-like capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels. When the arteries are damaged, the nephrons do not receive essential oxygen and nutrients. Because of this, the kidneys lose their ability to filter blood and regulate the flow of hormones, acids, and salts from the body.
  • Damaged kidneys do not regulate blood pressure. Healthy kidneys respond to a hormone called aldosterone which is produced in the adrenal glands, to help the body regulate blood pressure. Kidney damage and uncontrolled high blood pressure contribute to a negative spiral. As more arteries become clogged and stop working, the kidneys eventually fail.

How do I know if my blood pressure is high?

Hypertension is known as the ‘silent killer’ because it has no symptoms, and the only way to know about it is to get measured. However, you should keep in mind that a single high result in a regular check-up does not mean that you have the disease, several follow-up checks should be done to identify or rule it out.

How can I control hypertension as a CKD patient?

Because hypertension can be caused by many factors, it is necessary to start with a series of changes in your daily habits, which includes:

  • Follow a plan of regular and efficient physical activity, it is recommended that it be at least 30 minutes a day. You can do this with the accompaniment of your kidney specialist in Delhi.
  • Significantly reduce salt intake.
  • Do not consume alcohol.
  • No Smoking.

These measures and restrictions have shown their efficiency in most cases, bearing in mind that salt is one of the main causes of high blood pressure since sodium levels influence the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (the hormonal system that is responsible for regulating blood pressure).

Medications, meanwhile, play a fundamental role in the treatment of CKD as they help prevent and control hypertension. In addition, they help kidney disease progress while contributing to the prevention of urinary infections.

This is why if you have received a kidney transplant you must be extremely responsible with your medical visits, as well as follow each of the recommendations in your diet and physical habits.

Chronic Kidney Disease And Delayed Male Puberty: Understand The Relationship

Chronic Kidney Disease is the failure or gradual loss of kidney function. According to the best nephrologist in Delhi, it is estimated that about 20 million people suffer from the condition in India.

The kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering substances and nutrients present in the body. Thus, the necessary components are absorbed and the rest is eliminated in the urine. When they don’t work properly, the body goes out of balance, causing a series of consequences.

Among the problems caused by the failure or partial loss of function of these organs, is the delay of puberty among boys. In this post, we will understand more about the subject. Follow!

Late puberty

Late puberty is when sexual maturation does not begin at the expected time or age. In boys, this is characterized, for example, by the lack of growth of the testicles until the age of 14.

The changes in this stage of life are due to the awakening of the brain endocrine glands, called hypothalamus and pituitary gland. They produce hormones that stimulate the activity of the testicles which, in turn, initiate the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics. The substance is also produced in the adrenal glands, located just above the kidneys.

Some symptoms indicate that the process was not triggered in boys, such as: lack of pubic hair and face, lack of growth of testicles and penis. This delay can occur due to several diseases, such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, anemia or autoimmune diseases in general. Patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also experience a delay in entering puberty.

Any condition that prevents or disrupts the action of the brain glands and testicles can make it difficult to stimulate puberty. This can occur in boys with Chronic Kidney Disease and is attributed to several factors. Among them is the difficulty in absorbing nutrients, which leads to protein caloric malnutrition, for example.

Psychological stress and anemia, common consequences of treatment, are also situations that make the body’s work more complex, as well as the damage caused to the functioning of the adrenal glands.

The diagnosis

As we mentioned, boys who did not show testicular growth until the age of 14 are considered late puberty. Doctors also observe whether the period of onset and end of growth of Organs sexual organs has exceeded five years.

To give a complete diagnosis, the kidney specialist in Delhi not only evaluates apparent symptoms, but requests more in-depth tests, which will measure blood hormone rates, for example, and identify the adolescent’s bone age.

The treatment

Boys with Chronic Kidney Disease, that is, who are affected by late puberty, should initially receive treatment focused on correcting nutritional deficiencies and metabolic changes.

For that, adjustments and supplements are indicated in the diet in order to replace calories, proteins or other nutrients. Only after this protocol, hormonal therapy is usually recommended with due medical monitoring.

Want to know more? I am available to answer any questions you may have and I will be very happy to respond to your comments on this matter.